How To Prevent Obesity In Children And Young Adults

How To Prevent Obesity In Children And Young Adults

Overweight and obesity in children are likely to be responsible for a significant percentage of the disease burden associated with diabetes, ischemic heart disease, hypertension, ischemic stroke, osteoarthritis, and cancer.

The buildup of extra fat in the body is known as obesity, and it may have adverse impacts on health, including a decreased life expectancy and/or an increase in the number of health issues.

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Ati Sthaulya, also known as obesity, is defined by Ayurveda as an excessive accumulation of Meda, also known as fat or adipose tissue, and Mamsa, also known as flesh or muscular tissue, which results in flabbiness of the hips, belly, and breasts. In Ayurveda, this condition is categorised as a Santarpanottha Vikara, which refers to an illness that is brought on by the eating of an excessive amount of calories. Disorders in fat metabolism, also known as medushti, have been hypothesised to be one of the risk factors for ischemic heart disease (IHD).

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How to Tell if a Child is Considered to Be Obese

It is not appropriate for parents to alter their kid’s diet only on the basis of their beliefs that their child is overweight. Every preschooler has their own unique physical structure and pattern of development in their bodies. It is difficult to determine whether or not a kid is obese due to the unexpected growth spurts that youngsters experience. It is something that should only be done by a trained medical practitioner, who will compare the child’s current height and weight to his or her past development patterns.

The significance of engaging in active play for children who are overweight or obese or Obesity in Children

In the midst of the proliferation of this virus, obesity and overweight status might become imminent health hazards that may prove to be extremely detrimental for their future. In order for children to have smooth mobility and to actively participate in a variety of various types of physical activities, they need to be nimble and active while they are young. Only while they are young do their bodies have the greatest capacity for flexibility, and it is only at this time that their brains are in a period of transitional cognitive growth.

The brains of children and teenagers are more flexible and receptive to new information. In a time when lifestyle disorders are becoming more prevalent, it is imperative that parents of children who are struggling with obesity prioritise and model this way of life for their children so that they may live a healthy life.

Treatments available via Ayurveda for obesity in children

Ayurveda details a variety of practices, such as the purgation treatment, medicated enema, and deep tissue massages that make up the Panchkarma Treatment.

In Ayurveda, it is also recommended to use oils such as Triphala, Valiya Lakshadi, and Saindhavadi Thailam, in addition to taking steam baths, since they both cause sweating, which in turn helps reduce cellulite and subcutaneous fat.

People who struggle with obesity are advised by Ayurveda to eat meals that are low in fat and easy on the digestive system. When preparing food, you should make use of spices and herbs such as turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, pepper, and coriander.

Asanas like Tadasana, Paschimottanasana, Surya Namaskar, Pawanmuktasana, Bhujangasana and Dhanurasana should be done to stay in control of obesity.

If you practice Pranayama in conjunction with these asanas, you may get improved results. Some of the pranayams, such as Kapalbhati pranayama, Anulom Vilom pranayama, Bhastrika pranayama, and Bhramari pranayama, are capable of bringing about miraculous changes in the body of anybody who practices them on a regular basis.

Therapeutic approach to the treatment of obesity in Children

Ayurvedic therapy for weight loss and obesity in Children

The combination of Exercise and Dietary Measures Consuming an excessive amount of food, also known as ati-sampurana, is the primary factor that contributes to the development of obesity. In babies and children, the components of basal metabolism, the activity of children, and the necessity for development make up the total amount of energy that is required.

In cases of childhood obesity, the emphasis should be placed not on food restrictions but on getting the right kind of nutrients. Aiming to keep the traditional healthy components of one’s diet (i.e. foods that are high in micronutrients, such as fruits, vegetables, and cereals made from whole grains) while avoiding highly advertised energy-dense, fatty, and salty foods should be the focus of one’s efforts. It is important to encourage children to engage in more physically active pursuits and less sedentary activities. 

Children should engage in at least one hour of active “play” every day for maximum health benefits.Whole grain cereals, amlaki, and honey-infused water should all be included in the diet of an obese kid, as per the tenets of Ayurvedic medicine.

Methods for the management of obesity

The experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) have calculated that there are 43 million children under the age of 5 who are overweight. Furthermore, they have projected that by the year 2020, more than 60 percent of the worldwide illness burden would be the consequence of obesity linked diseases. 

The prevention of obesogenic environments and the development of healthy lifestyle practices at a young age are two of the most effective strategies for combating the obesity pandemic on a worldwide scale. In children older than two years old, dietary change should include increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat and non-fat dairy products, legumes, seafood, and lean meats that are consumed.

The treatment should focus on lowering consumption of foods that are rich in fat and calories, as well as lowering or eliminating consumption of beverages that are sweetened with sugar, such as soda and fruit drinks. The amount of time spent playing outside by a child should be extended to at least sixty minutes each day, seven days a week, at the very least. The purpose of physical exercise shouldn’t merely be to burn calories; rather, it should be to create an environment in which people enjoy moving their bodies.

How To Prevent Obesity In Children And Young Adults
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